Reading Characters from String Builders – Selected API Classes 06/22/2022 Rivka Scheinberg Post in Determining the Range,Oracle Exams Reading Characters from String Builders The following methods can be used for reading characters in a string builder: Click here to view code image char charAt(int index) From the CharSequenceinterface (p. 444).void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin) Copies characters from the current string builder into the destination character array. Characters from the current string builder are read from index srcBegin to index srcEnd-1, inclusive. They are copied into the destination array (dst), starting at index dstBegin and ending at index dstbegin+(srcEnd-srcBegin)-1. The number of characters copied is (srcEnd-srcBegin). An IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the indices do not meet the criteria for the operation. Click here to view code image IntStream chars() From the CharSequenceinterface (p. 444).int length() From the CharSequenceinterface (p. 444). The following is an example of reading the contents of a string builder: Click here to view code image StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(“Java”); // “Java”, capacity 20char charFirst = strBuilder.charAt(0); // ‘J’char charLast = strBuilder.charAt(strBuilder.length()-1); // ‘a’ Searching for Substrings in String Builders The methods for searching substrings in string builders are analogous to the ones in the String class (p. 451). Click here to view code image int indexOf(String substr)int indexOf(String substr, int fromIndex)int lastIndexOf(String str)int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex) Examples of searching for substrings in a StringBuilder: Click here to view code image StringBuilder banner2 = new StringBuilder(“One man, One vote”);// 01234567890123456int subInd1a = banner2.indexOf(“One”); // 0int subInd1b = banner2.indexOf(“One”, 3); // 9int subInd2a = banner2.lastIndexOf(“One”); // 9int subInd2b = banner2.lastIndexOf(“One”, 10); // 9int subInd2c = banner2.lastIndexOf(“One”, 8); // 0int subInd2d = banner2.lastIndexOf(“One”, 2); // 0 Extracting Substrings from String Builders The StringBuilder class provides the following methods to extract substrings, which are also provided by the String class (p. 453). Click here to view code image String substring(int startIndex)String substring(int startIndex, int endIndex)CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end)From the CharSequenceinterface(p. 444). Examples of extracting substrings: Click here to view code image StringBuilder bookName = new StringBuilder(“Java Gems by Anonymous”);// 01234567890123456789012String title = bookName.substring(0,9); // “Java Gems”String author = bookName.substring(13); // “Anonymous”